Feline hemobartonellosis
Feline hemobartonellosis
Feline hemobartonellosis, also known as feline infectious anemia, is a rickettsial disease characterized by anemia and splenomegaly caused by feline hemobartonellosis. The following is an overview of the clinical symptoms and treatment options for feline hemobartonellosis by Dr. OxyPets.
[Clinical Symptoms]
Feline hemobartonellosis, also known as feline infectious anemia, is a rickettsial disease caused by feline hemobartonellosis characterized by anemia and splenomegaly. The clinical manifestations of natural acute cases are: depressed spirit, weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite, intermittent fever, body temperature rises to 39.5~40.5 ℃, anemia, some appear visual mucous membrane yellow staining, weight loss, abdominal palpation can be palpated with significant splenomegaly, acute cases are more common. Chronic cases are more common. Chronic cats have a normal body temperature or lower than normal temperature, and are thin, weak, unwilling to move and lose their sensitivity to the outside world.
The total number of blood leukocytes and classification values were increased in sick cats, the absolute number of monocytes was increased and deformed in most cases, and there was phagocytosis of erythrocytes by monocytes and macrophages. The hematocrit was usually below 20%, and in sick cats before the onset of symptoms it was below 10%. Typical aplastic anemia changes are one of the hematological features of the disease.
[Treatment Program]
The principles of treatment are antimicrobial and supportive therapy.
-Severe anemia may be transfused.
[Prescription 1] Tetracycline, dogs: 15~22 mg/kg, orally, 3 times a day for 14~21 days.
[Prescription 2] Tulathromycin, dogs: 15~30 mg/kg, orally, 2~3 times a day for 10 days; 5~10 mg/kg, intravenously, 2 times a day for 10 days.
[Prescription 3] Chloramphenicol, dogs: 25~50 mg/kg, orally, 3 times a day for 10 days.
[Prescription 4] Thioarsonamide, dogs: 2.2 mg/kg, intravenously, twice daily for 10 days.
[Rx 5] Metronidazole, dogs: 40 mg/kg orally once daily for 21 days.