Canine and feline bladder paralysis

Canine and feline bladder paralysis

Canine and feline bladder paralysis

Bladder paralysis in dogs and cats may be caused by bladder muscle sensory desensitization triggered by diseases such as urethral obstruction or bladder spasms, resulting in the bladder not being able to contract properly and urine being retained in the bladder and not being able to be discharged. Clinical symptoms include unconscious urination of small amounts and intermittent urination. Prompt treatment is required, with manual massage to help catheterize the urine.

Clinical signs of bladder paralysis in dogs and cats

In the early stage of bladder paralysis or incomplete bladder paralysis caused by urethral obstruction and spasm of the bladder sphincter, sick dogs and cats often have frequent urinary movements, with only a small amount of urine discharged in the form of drips or threads, or no urine is discharged.

When the bladder is paralyzed or completely paralyzed due to spinal cord or brain injury, sick dogs and cats often lack urinary reflexes and do not have frequent urinary movements, and urinate in small quantities only when the bladder is highly filled with urine, and large quantities of urine can be discharged when the bladder is compressed by the abdominal wall and when a urinary catheter is inserted. When accompanied by bladder sphincter paralysis, urine is discharged in lines or drops in an irregular and intermittent manner, presenting the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Less urine or emptiness in the bladder on palpation. Dogs and cats with bladder paralysis, in addition to the above symptoms of urinary reflexes, movements and changes in urinary output, due to the large amount of urine retained in the bladder, abdominal pressure increases, resulting in abdominal distension, but there is no pain response to abdominal palpation when the bladder is pressed.

Dr. Oxygen Pet recommends

1、Multivitamin tablets (Puente) supplement vitamin B1 and vitamin B12 to nourish the nerves and help the recovery of bladder paralysis symptoms. Take orally 2 times daily for 1-2 weeks.

2, every day to the dogs and cats massage bladder, the number of times for 2-3 times, drinking more water dogs and cats can be increased once, each massage 5-10 minutes, to promote the urinary discharge of the bladder.

3. Go to a vet hospital to check for the presence of urinary tract disease and treat the cause.

Treatment Options for Bladder Paralysis in Dogs and Cats

Treatment is based on the principle of eliminating the cause of the disease and treating the symptoms.

Catheterization or pressure urination is performed daily at regular intervals to relieve pressure on the bladder.

1. 0.1% strychnine nitrate, subcutaneous injection, 0.5-1.0 mg once daily or every other day.

2、Enrofloxacin(Bayli), subcutaneously or intravenously, 2.5~5 mg/kg, twice a day.

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Cat Diseases,

Last Update: 2024年12月3日