Folliculitis in dogs and cats
Folliculitis in dogs and cats
Pet folliculitis is related to parasites and endocrine causes in dogs and cats, the main manifestations of folliculitis in dogs and cats are hair loss, itching, redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area, and untimely treatment will lead to inflammation spreading and the formation of pustular dermatosis. The use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory pet skin disease ointment can be effectively treated.
Clinical signs of folliculitis in dogs and cats
Folliculitis is an inflammatory reaction caused by the invasion of skin follicles by pathogenic microorganisms. If a single, scattered folliculitis is not treated promptly, the inflammation spreads causing boils, carbuncles and pyoderma. Common sites of development are mainly around the mouth and lips, back, inner limbs and lower abdomen. The causes are mostly due to blocked follicular orifices, parasitization of helminth mites in hair follicles, bacterial overgrowth in hair follicles, and endocrine disorders. The main causative agent of folliculitis is Staphylococcus intermedius. Skin samples are scraped and laboratory tests are done before treatment, and drug sensitization tests are necessary.
Dr. Oxygen Pets suggests:
1, shave the affected area, use the skin Nuon skin spray, anti-inflammatory sterilization, promote skin repair. 3-5 times / day, 5-7 days course.
2, Take appropriate amount of compound ketoconazole ointment and apply it to the affected area for anti-microbial infection, prohibited in pregnancy and dogs and cats with hepatic insufficiency.
3. Pregnant cats are recommended to apply Barnes & Noble Skin Gel, which is gentler and safer, and can effectively treat skin diseases such as skin pus and fungal infections.
4, the use of love Tic (avermectin transdermal solution) for deworming, take 0.1 ml / kg drops coated on the back of the neck and backbone of dogs and cats, pregnancy is prohibited, Collie is prohibited.
5, more hair dogs and cats oral multivitamin, supplemental nutrition, enhance the overall immunity.
6、Orally take IGY Antitrust to supplement immunoglobulin, promote appetite and regulate body functions.
Folliculitis Treatment Options for Dogs and Cats
Medication is administered according to the diagnosis.
1. Erythromycin ointment, daily-2 to 3 times, topical application.
2. Dermatophyte, applied externally 2 to 3 times daily.
3, net extinction, 0.1 ml / kg, once a week, intramuscular injection, Collie prohibited.
4, big favor, 6 ~ 12 mg / kg, external use, every 2 ~ 4 weeks, with 1 ~ 3 courses of treatment.